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Showing posts from February, 2018

Blogging Season opens today

Sure, six blogs is  many (or  hrair, in Lapine ), but that's just how much blog it takes to send my love! Today the B22 Bluster Cluster has formally reached hexality,  In Place of Those Long Emails  I used to send you.     To celebrate the implied time saved, you could learn  How to Ski and/or Snowboard !

Tôi thích Đà Nẵng và Hà Nội

I found a wonderful life with the people of Đà Nẵng and Hà Nội. Deeply I am grateful for our many sweet times together, already. You have taught me about good human life, in just these few months: Humble, open in heart and mind, peaceful and respectful, filled with happy funtimes and memories of smiling "hello!"    I became a better person, with your example, and now Viet Nam is in my heart forever.  Thank you, friends.  I will leave soon, but return quickly. Cảm ơn người Trúc Bạch, Hải Châu và Mỹ An